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“We specialize in Marine Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Project Management and IT consulting.”

Marine and Shipping needs to do far more to attract innovation in order to discover and implement the next disruptive digital technologies. The industry is facing more threats than ever to business-as-usual conditions, from technology changes – mostly from the digital sector – and from environmental regulations. So it should embrace different technologies that could disrupt existing business cases, and encourage innovators to develop solutions to the latest issues. The industry is in need of more potential disruptive technologies like more effective data analytics, ERP, greater autonomy and robotics, and new methods of information sharing.

MariApps is a modern company offering maritime applications for the marine industry. MariApps can bring to your organization key knowledge and expertise that will help your organization to excel in today’s competitive and demanding environment. Its skilled personnel bring with them decades of experience in the marine industry and are in a position to understand and tailor solutions to your specific needs and requirements. MariApps is a company that you can trust and depend upon. With its robust and complete portfolio of solutions for the marine industry, MariApps will be your single and trusted provider for preparing and enabling your company for the current and future challenges. The company has developed a cutting edge ERP product called PAL e3, covering the majority of the areas of ship management and ship owning.

Story behind MariApps inception

MariApps is a Bernhard Schulte company. Bernhard Schulte was using 3rd party software products for its ship management and owning needs until 2010 and then it decided to do something in-house. The company started first being the IT division of Bernhard Schulte and later in 2014 became a separate entity which started selling cutting edge solutions to shipping companies across the globe. MariApps is a pioneer in web based ship management ERP. We have built a unique product which caters to all the ship management needs.

Its ERP covers all modules like Crewing, Payroll, PMS, Purchase, Accounts, Catering, Voyage, Dry Dock, QDMS, Insurance etc to name a few. It is a web based system which can operate in all browsers and in all platforms like mobile, tablet and desktop.

Recapitulation of the initial product launched

PAL e3 is an Enterprise Resource Planning (marine ERP) software targeting ship management and ship owners. With PAL e3 you will achieve ‘single version of the truth’ having all data in one place to enable your organization’s performance and profitability.

  • A unique product covering all functional areas of the ship management domain with plug and play options for any module.
  • A web based ERP designed for high performance, quicker implementation and easier maintenance.
  • Works with all browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox) and mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows).
  • Intuitive, simple, easy to use and highly customizable, with built-in interfaces to banks and vendors.
  • Comprehensive video based training module covering all modules with built-in self-assessments.
  • PAL e3 is built with optimized processes and workflows to improve productivity.
  • A customizable dashboard approach, facilitating data driven decision making and management by KPI’s.

Straight from the delighted customer!

“The MariApps Team, with their PAL e3 web solution, has introduced tangible efficiencies and brought a fresh approach to IT systems we use daily. We have been working with them for the last 5 years, and they took the time to understand our business and delivered exactly what we needed. With PAL Dashboards and Customer Web Access, I can now get the information that I need, any time, with a focus on the data that is relevant to me. The same applies to my colleagues, who get tailored information, even when they are traveling, as PAL is fully mobile platform compliant. PAL e3 system is used in all our global offices, and has put critical information just a click away. Now I don’t have to wait anymore for a long time to get inconsistent management reports, but I can concentrate on analyzing the financial and operational performance of our worldwide operations. The implementation of the different modules has enabled us to offshore our accounts department to a lower cost environment and the projected cost savings and efficiency gains could be well achieved.

The MariApps Team has the right ‘can do attitude’ and I look forward to continue working with them on further enhancements of the software.”

Company’s vision

The firm wants to expand its footprint into new markets like North America, Australia, Africa and China where it does not have customers today. The syndicate would like its software to be running on about 2500 ships in the next 2 years.

We introduce you to the CEO: Sankar Ragavan

Sankar has more than 20 years of experience in IT domain. He has worked for various MNCs across the globe. In the past, Sankar has served as Corporate Director of IT for Bernhard Schulte Ship Management and as Director of IT for Jumeirah International.
