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Sustainable shipping solutions from MariApps – The maritime sector is evolving faster than ever before with the advent of new technologies and innovations in the shipping industry. In addition, the aim is to conserve resources onboard, save fuel, reduce the impact on the environment and the oceans; shipping companies strive to do their part toward a greener tomorrow.

With the better planning, forecasting, and scheduling capabilities, that smartPAL offers, organizations can optimize their operational costs, save time, and achieve quicker results within fewer processes. Maritime companies can stay ahead in this competitive era of automated tasks and technological advancements to ensure efficient delivery of quality products to customers.


How Can Maritime Companies Execute Better Planning and Vessel Operations with smartPAL’s Sustainable shipping solutions?

MariApps’ smartPAL digital suite and Fleet Performance Solutions offers complete management of your business processes from anywhere around the globe, at any time. Offering customizable quality solutions with feature-rich functionalities to customers, MariApps ensures they meet operational needs without complexity. smartPAL embeds business intelligence, analytics, and reporting tools that enable users to perform real-time analysis of their data, improving the decision-making processes within the organization.



To dig deeper, one of our products for vessel performance offers an overview of engine analytics, compares vessel performance against model test results, sea trials and equipment performance, and fault diagnostics based on ship trial data. MariApps uses empirical methods in extrapolating data for the operational range and KPI’s calculated derived from weather conditions.

Following maintenance actions, the smartPerformance dashboard delivers equipment performance rating trends, performance indicators, fault diagnostics, and predicted due dates. Improved performance, reduced consumption and emissions translate to better AER CII ratings and targets for the vessel. The Team ensures class recommended evaluations for:

  • Engine efficiency and KPIs
  • Fault diagnostics based on rules defined in the analytical engine
  • Engine and hull efficiency insights and trends

With a live feed of performance data points from telemetry, real-time alerts in case of low KPI, summary and playback for every voyage, back-office view of every voyage execution, daily CP performance tracking, and telemetry health check status for monitoring. MariApps’ performance and voyage team provide insights and information on supporting CAPEX for design and upgrades to keep vessel information intact.


What Services does MariApps offer to Achieve Efficiency in Vessel Operations?

MariApps’ Team of experts addresses the increasing standards from environmental regulations and compliance requirements and provides performance metrics toward optimum resource efficiency for better vessel planning and operations. Now customers can stay ahead of the curve, reduce risks, and tap into market opportunities that comply with regulatory expectations. MariApps provides:

  • 365*24/7 operations and support to our global customers
  • Enhances communication between crew and shore staff
  • Support for shipping and technical personnel on board

MariApps Marine Solutions stands by its commitment, data security, and quality. We are passionate about vessel performance solutions that promote sustainable shipping, increase fuel efficiency, conserve resources, and ensure compliance whenever you sail!